One moment..

unit of Bharath Healthcare P LIMITED
© 2020 Kotii Group

Realtime life-saving platform. Core purposed to be saving 120+ millions of lives across the world year over year... in realtime.


Realtime life-saving platform. Core purposed to be saving 120+ millions of lives across the world year over year... in realtime.


Mission is Lifesaving app, platform… core purposed to be empowering crores of people across the world to save lives of friends, family, people nearby… fighting for life in the need of blood in real-time - our dream in making.


Bharath Healthcare Labs

Empowering you to be in charge of your health, health of your family members for healthier-happier lives, society, world & man-kind… Through innovative health-tech powered for touching a billion lives positively.


Kotii Group of Ventures P LIMITED

Empowering people and businesses around the world with research oriented innovative technology solutions to make this world a better place. [giving something to everyone in this world]
